Can You Create a Gourmet Clafoutis with Seasonal Berries and Almond Flour?

March 31, 2024

If you’re searching for a new spin on dessert recipes, you’re in luck. A clafoutis is a fruit-based dessert, traditionally made with cherries, that originates from the Limousin region of France. However, the beauty of this dessert is its versatility – it can be made with any seasonal fruit. To make it even more enticing, consider swapping out traditional white flour for almond flour, which offers additional health benefits and a unique flavor. This recipe also accommodates those following a gluten-free diet. But, before we delve into the nitty-gritty of the recipe, let’s first understand what a clafoutis is.

What Is a Clafoutis?

As mentioned earlier, a clafoutis is a classic French dessert made by baking fruit in a custard-like batter. The name "clafoutis" comes from the Occitan word ‘clafir,’ which means ‘to fill.’ The fruit fills up the baking dish, and then the batter, typically made with flour, sugar, eggs, and milk, is poured over the top.

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The traditional clafoutis recipe calls for cherries, but you can use any fruit you wish. Popular choices include plums, peaches, and berries. When baked, the fruit releases its natural juices, which combine with the batter to create a dessert that’s somewhere between a cake and a custard.

In this article, we’ll be guiding you in creating a clafoutis using seasonal berries, almond flour, and a few other key ingredients. It’s a simple but elegant dessert that will impress your guests and satisfy your sweet tooth.

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Benefits of Using Almond Flour

When it comes to baking, the type of flour you use can dramatically impact the texture, flavor, and nutritional content of your dish. Almond flour, made from blanched almonds that have been ground into a fine powder, is a popular choice for those on a gluten-free diet.

One major benefit of using almond flour is its high protein content. It’s a great way to add extra protein to your diet without affecting the taste of your dishes. Additionally, almond flour is rich in healthy fats, fiber, and vitamin E.

In terms of flavor, almond flour imparts a subtly sweet, nutty taste, which complements the natural sweetness of the fruit in a clafoutis. It also creates a slightly denser, more moist texture compared to wheat flour, which makes for a rich, satisfying dessert.

The Clafoutis Recipe

Before we begin, ensure you have the following ingredients: seasonal berries, almond flour, eggs, sugar, butter, and milk. You will also need a baking pan and an oven to bake your clafoutis.

Start by preheating your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius) and lightly greasing your baking pan with butter. Then, arrange your seasonal berries in the pan. You can use a mix of berries, or stick to one kind – the choice is yours.

Next, in a separate bowl, whisk together your almond flour, sugar, and a pinch of salt. In a separate bowl, beat your eggs, then add your milk and melted butter, whisking until well combined.

Combine your wet ingredients with your dry, stirring until a smooth batter is formed. Pour this batter over your arranged fruit in the baking pan, and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the clafoutis is set and lightly browned.

Please note: This recipe does not require almond extract or cream, as the almond flour will impart a natural almond flavor to the clafoutis. Plus, the use of milk and butter will give it a creamy texture.

Clafoutis Variations

While the above recipe is a simple and standard clafoutis recipe, don’t hesitate to experiment with different fruits and flavors. For instance, you could add a hint of spice to your clafoutis by sprinkling cinnamon or nutmeg over the top before baking.

If you’re not a fan of almonds, consider using a different type of nut flour, such as hazelnut or coconut flour. You could also add a handful of nuts to the batter for extra crunch, or serve your clafoutis with a dollop of cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

In conclusion, a clafoutis is a versatile, easy-to-make dessert that you can adapt to suit your tastes and dietary requirements. Whether you stick to the traditional cherry version or experiment with different fruits and flours, we’re sure you’ll love this French classic. Happy baking!

When to Use Seasonal Berries

The beauty of a clafoutis is that it can be made with any fruit, depending on your preference and the season. Seasonal fruits are often fresher, tastier, and more affordable. July and June are great months for strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Blackberries and plums come into season in August and September, while apples and pears are abundant from September to November.

For our recipe, we’re using a mix of berries, but feel free to use whatever is in season. If you’re making a clafoutis in December or January, consider using canned or frozen fruits. Just remember, whatever fruit you choose, the juices released during baking will combine with the batter, giving your clafoutis a unique, fruity flavor.

Remember, a clafoutis is a versatile dessert. It can be made with any fruit, and at any time of the year. It’s all about experimenting and finding the combinations that you love.

Steps to Serving and Storage

Once you’ve baked your clafoutis, it’s time to enjoy it! You can serve it hot, straight from the oven, or leave it to cool and serve at room temperature. Either way, it’s delicious.

To dress up your clafoutis, sprinkle it with a dust of powdered sugar just before serving. This not only adds an extra touch of sweetness but also gives it a beautiful, professional finish. You can also serve it with a dollop of heavy cream or a scoop of ice cream for an indulgent treat.

If you’re lucky enough to have leftovers, store your clafoutis in the refrigerator, covered, for up to three days. You can enjoy it cold, or reheat it in the oven for a few minutes.

Remember, whether you’re making a traditional cherry clafoutis or a blackberry clafoutis with almond flour, it’s all about enjoying the process and the delicious end result.


Baking a gourmet clafoutis with seasonal berries and almond flour is not only a fantastic way to make use of fresh, seasonal fruit but also a great option for anyone following a gluten-free diet. The subtle nutty flavor and extra protein from the almond flour make this French dessert even more nutritious and satisfying.

Remember, while the baking time is around 45 minutes, your actual hands-on time is much less. This makes clafoutis a perfect choice for a relaxed weekend dessert, or even for entertaining guests.

So, the next time you find yourself with a punnet of fresh berries or some almond flour to use up, consider whipping up a clafoutis. It’s a simple, versatile dessert that’s sure to impress.

Now that you know how to make a clafoutis with almond flour and seasonal berries, the only question is – what will you bake first? Whether you stick to a classic cherry clafoutis or experiment with other fruits and flavors, we’re sure you’ll love this delectable French dessert. Happy baking!